Here's just a small sampling of  what we have accomplished so far. . .

In 2018 . .


Kodiak Health Summit

Annual Hospice Harvest BBQ and our first, That Was a Good Run, Hospice 5K


Coast Guard | Welcome Aboard!


2018 Relay for Life


That Dragon Cancer

Advance Health Care Directive Day

Service Club Circuit

2018 Heart for Hospice Ball

In 2017. . .


2017 Hospice Harvest BBQ

Giving back to our community, Dr. Mark Withrow MD provided fresh salmon.


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Before I die. . .Crabfest 2017

Hospice wanted to bring death out into the open for our community. Thanks to Lani (Harbor Master) we were able to place our Before I die wall on display during the 2017 Annual Crabfest To bring space to Kodiak where there are no barriers between life and death, only living fully. 

"The original wall was created on an abandoned house in New Orleans by artist Candy Chang after she lost someone she loved. Since then over 2,000 Before I Die walls have been created in over 70 countries around the world. Revealing the community’s longings, anxieties, joys, and struggles, it is time to explore death and grief."


Open Death Conversation

Thanks to Monks Rock Hospice was able to successfully host an uplifting interactive adventure that transforms this seemingly difficult conversation into one of deep engagement, insight and empowerment. How we want to die is the most important and costly conversation America isn't having. What do you want in both life and during it's closure?